27 Apr

  Google publishes new games to encourage staying at home

 experience a number of the foremost popular and interactive Google Doodle games of the past. the primary Google Doodle game which is being brought back is that the popular 'Coding' game from 2017. Google had come up with this Doodle game to celebrate 50 years of youngsters Coding. The Google Doodle game comes with the tagline "Stay and Play at Home" to encourage people reside home as a measure to curb the spread of coronavirus 

 said Google in an exceedingly public post. 'Coding' features a bunny and also the objective of the sport is to create the bunny collect all the carrots in an exceedingly level. The players control the bunny by using simple program codes which are to be placed in an exceedingly program code tray. the sport was originally created as a tool to come up with inquisitive about coding among kids. All other Doodle games that Google is getting to bring back are currently hidden behind the screen which says "Coming Soon". Meanwhile, across the globe 2,994,958 cases of coronavirus are confirmed. 

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